While we are continuing to build and grow, we will be offering additional athletic opportunities as the support and desire arise.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Nicholas Mancillas
Elementary PE will begin with giving students a foundation for all movement skills and patterns. Students will learn the 8 locomotor skills: walking, running, hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, skipping, and leaping. They will also learn the fundamentals of various manipulative skills such as: tossing, catching, throwing, rolling, striking, bouncing, and kicking. Upper Elementary students will begin to use these skills in lead-up and small group games. We will cover sports such as soccer, volleyball, team handball, basketball, hockey, pickleball, and flag football.
Middle School PE will have two areas of focus: team sports and fitness. All students will participate in ongoing fitness testing. They will try to meet national health standards in each area of fitness. Sports covered will include soccer, volleyball, team handball, basketball, hockey, pickleball, and flag football. Students will be encouraged to try out for and participate in school sports.

Middle School Athletics:
We currently participate in the Metro Christian League and offer a number of athletic opportunities including Middle School Soccer, 5th – 8th Grade Volleyball, 5th – 8th Grade Basketball, and Middle School Track & Field.
High School Athletics:
We are excited about the opportunity to be working in a Combined Effort with Cornerstone Christian Academy to be able to offer athletics in a competitive environment. We will be offering the following sports in our first year:
Fall: Football, Volleyball, Cross Country
Winter: Basketball
Spring: Track & Field